Friday, 11 January 2008

Will web 3.0 see the end of IE 6? Well, if it doesn't....

Will Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 be the end of me? I hope not but I wouldn't put money on it... However, after an exhausting week of work, shouting expletives and faking acts of violence towards my poor laptop, it leaves me pondering what it would be like trying to use all these wonderful web applications in older browsers like Internet Explorer 5 and Netscape Navigator 4? In that sense at least, there is a light at the end the the IE6 tunnel....


Unknown said...

IE6=Ford Capri

Martin King said...

I think there will be more browsers to swear at in the future.

You might be looking at with fondness to teh good ole days when IE ruled the world

lets hope they are all standards compliant i the future....